Athlete of the Issue: Kaitlin Hoang '21

Managing Sports Editor Connor Haugh sat down with Kaitlin Hoang ’21, center for the women’s hockey team, who has seven goals and nine assists so far this season. Here are the highlights:
The Student (TS): What’s your favorite team pre-game ritual?
Kaitlin Hoang (KH): A couple of us play volleyball before the game in the locker room. We try to see how many times we can keep the ball in the air.
TS: What’s the best moment of the season thus far?
KH: Beating Norwhich was a really nice high point, because they were ranked number three in the country. Considering we’re currently unranked, we demonstrated we can beat any team, regardless of ranking.
TS: What’s your team better at than every other team?
KH: Other than keeping the energy high on the bench, I think we focus a lot on team defense. We are confident in our ability to defend as a unit, and take pride in maintaining our structure.
TS: What’s your go-to snack before a game?
KH: I always drink a Vita-Coco before games. It’s a coconut water drink. People either love it or hate it. I’m a lover.
TS: The team goes on a lot of road trips during the season. What’s your favorite movie to watch on the bus?
KH: I own all three “Cinderella Story” movies on my laptop. So I usually start with “Cinderella Story: Once Upon a Song,” which is the third one. Then I go to the first one. If I’ve got a lot of time, then I go to the second one. I only skip to my favorite parts though.
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