Campus Police Log: Sept. 27 to Oct. 4

The latest installment of the Police Log, from Sept. 27 to Oct. 4, can be found here.

>> Sept. 27, 2021

6:26 a.m. Valentine Loading Dock

Residential Life (ResLife) staff and an officer responded to a report of a vehicle blocking the loading dock from deliveries.

6:10 p.m. Chapin Hall

An officer took a report of an image drawn on a whiteboard.

>> Sept. 28, 2021

9:50 p.m. Science Center

Officers investigated a call of a possible threat to an individual.

5:55 p.m. The Quadrangle

A boot was placed on a vehicle that is on the boot list and parked in violation of parking regulations.

>> Sept. 29, 2021

1:49 a.m. Moore Dormitory

ResLife staff responded to a noise complaint.

1:59 a.m. Jenkins Dormitory

An officer responded to a report of an individual being pushed.

4:28 p.m. Alumni House

A boot was placed on a vehicle that is on the boot list and parked in violation of parking regulations.

>>Sept. 30, 2021

8:02 a.m. Off Campus Locations

An officer took a report of a motor vehicle accident with a college-owned vehicle.

12:59 a.m. Tennis Barn/Caddy Shack

An officer responded to a report of a possible unauthorized individual attempting to use the campus fuel pump. There were no issues found.

2:53 p.m. Alumni House

An officer took a report of a possible phishing attempt.

>>Oct. 1, 2021

8:49 a.m. Mayo Smith House

An officer responded to a report of students parked in the faculty staff spaces of Mayo Smith Lot.

4:03 p.m., Frost Library

An officer responded to an alarm and found a maintenance issue.

4:50 pm, Science Center

An officer responded to a report of four individuals skateboarding in an area that was damaged possibly by skateboarding. There were no issues in the area.

8:55 p.m., Hitchcock House

ResLife staff and an officer responded to a report of a phone ripped off of the wall.

11:05 p.m., Morris Pratt Dormitory

ResLife staff responded to a report of an unauthorized party.

11:14 p.m., Mead Art Museum

Officers spoke with an individual observed urinating in public and with a group smoking marijuana.

>>Oct. 2, 2021

10:16 a.m., Hills Field

An officer and Athletics staff responded to a report of loud music.

10:51 a.m., Pratt Field

An officer responded to a report of a minor motor vehicle accident with no injuries.

1:17 p.m., Hazel Avenue

Officers responded to a report of a vehicle blocked in by parked cars.

5:20 p.m., Mayo Smith Lot

ResLife staff responded to a report of students playing drinking games.

7:18 p.m., Science Center

The Chemical Hygiene Officer and an officer responded to a report of a possible odor of a chemical. There were no issues found.

8:50 p.m., Cohan Dormitory

An officer responded to a report of a broken window.

>>Oct. 3, 2021

1:32 pm, Morris Pratt Dormitory

ResLife staff responded to a report of people running in the area and causing damage.

2:17 p.m., Morris Pratt Dormitory

An officer took a report of multiple broken lighting fixtures and exit signs.

2:39 p.m., Valentine Dining Hall

An officer took a report of a broken bench.

2:46 p.m., Porter House

An officer responded to an alarm and found it was set off by steam from a tea kettle.

9:30 p.m., South Pleasant Street

An officer assisted the Town police with a motor vehicle accident.

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