Mammoth Moments in Miniature: April 19 to April 26

Mammoth Moments in Miniature provides quick updates on notable campus news that occurred during the week. In this week’s installment: a prom, Day of Giving, and more.

AAS Hosts Campus Prom

On Saturday, students dressed in formal garb gathered at the Science Center for a prom thrown by the Association of Amherst Students (AAS) as part of a Senate project by Anna Penner ’24 and Mia Griffin ’24. The celebration featured performances at the Greenway Amphitheater from student band Portmanteau and Laundry Day, a band from New York City that has played festivals such as the Governor’s Ball. Also offered were multiple photo booths, food trucks, and desserts. The AAS also sponsored a student-staffed hair and nail salon in the Powerhouse the day of the prom.

The Center for International Student Engagement and President’s Office Hold Barbecue for International Students

All international students were invited to President Biddy Martin’s house for an outdoor barbecue and picnic in celebration of the international community at the college and the changes made during Martin’s tenure to make Amherst more welcoming to international students. During her conversation with students, Martin praised the effort of international students in overcoming challenges of studying abroad and embracing the diversity of Amherst. The event was attended by around 40 international students, some of whom gave speeches about their experiences. Due to the high volume of attendees, negative antigen test results were required with no mask mandates.

President’s Office Releases Update on Anti-Racism Plan

President Biddy Martin sent an email on Tuesday morning that provided updates on a number of aspects of the college’s 2020 anti-racism plan. Updates included: progress made on developing a comprehensive racial history of the college; the work of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) committees in various departments; work done in admissions and financial aid; the announcement that the college will file an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in support of “the holistic consideration of race in admissions” in multiple upcoming cases related to affirmative-action; increases in faculty and staff diversification; curricular changes; advancements in the Center for Restorative Practices; mental health initiatives; reconsidering the naming of certain campus buildings; and finally, further updates on “Reimagining Policing” which build on last week’s announcement.

#AmherstTogether Day of Giving

Tuesday was #AmherstTogether, the college’s annual day of giving. Amherst Fund Advancement initially set a goal of 1,821 gifts of any size, in honor of the college’s founding year; they later upped the goal to 2,022 gifts, a target that they reached. This achievement then unlocked a matched gift of $100,000 from alumni leaders. Community members also had the option to send an Atkins Farms apple cider donut to someone on-campus upon donating. Tables were stationed in Valentine Dining Hall, Frost Library, Keefe Campus Center, and the Science Center for donut pickup and donation receiving.

ACData To Switch to Workday Student

The Registrar’s Office announced this week that data currently stored on ACData will migrate to Workday Student over the summer. Students will continue to use ACData for the rest of the semester, and will receive notice when Workday becomes available.

Food Justice Alliance Hosts Share the Share Festival

Tuttle Hill was lively with music, students, and snacks on Saturday as the Food Justice Alliance (FJA), the Office of Student Activities, and the President’s Office hosted Share the Share, an event in support of the Pioneer Valley Workers Center. The Workers Center provided shirts at a donation table for the FJA, and tables dotted the hill decked with pin-making, screenprinting, and local food. The Stratus jazz combo played music, along with local band The New Sympathizers and student band Puffer’s Pond Project.

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