Mammoth Moments in Miniature: April 6 to April 12

Mammoth Moments in Miniature provides quick updates on notable campus news that has occurred since the last issue. In this week’s edition: the college offers free music lessons for the upcoming academic year, the administration hosts the Walker Problem-Solving Competition and more.

College Offers Free Music Lessons for Upcoming School Year

The college will be offering free individual music lessons taught by faculty from the music department for all students in the upcoming 2023-2024 academic year. Previously, lessons were only free for those enrolled in another music course, although those taking music classes will receive first preference in selecting lessons. The lessons, which consist of 50-minute sessions taught once a week, count as two credits — one-half course — for graduation requirements. Students can register for lessons through Workday.

Administration Hosts Walker Problem-Solving Competition

The Walker Problem-Solving Competition for first and second-year students will take place on Wednesday, April 12. The competition consists of roughly 10 “nonstandard” math problems designed to challenge students problem-solving abilities, none of which require advanced mathematical knowledge beyond calculus. Prizes will be awarded to first and second-place finishers.

AAS Requests Student Feedback on Studying Habits

The Association of Amherst Students, in collaboration with Frost Library, has designed a survey of students’ late-night studying habits to better understand current practices and accommodate students’ needs for study spaces at night in Frost Library. Students can fill out the survey here.

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