Val Hacks: Strawberry Shortcake

“Val Hacks” is a column dedicated to exploring the culinary possibilities of Valentine Dining Hall. This week, Ivy Haight ’25 presents her recipe for strawberry shortcake.

Val Hacks: Strawberry Shortcake
Photo courtesy of Ivy Haight ’25.

The Secret to Strawberry Shortcake

When presented with the components of “strawberry shortcake” at Val, some questions might come across your mind: What is strawberry shortcake? How can cake be short? And what do strawberries have to do with it? I don’t have the answer for any of these questions, but I can say that I have perfected the strawberry shortcake recipe at Val.


In a bowl, mix together ingredients in the following ratio:

3/5 vanilla soft serve

1/5 strawberry compote

1/5 dairy-free whipped topping (trust me on this one — the dairy-free is better)

On a separate plate:

Gluten-free biscuit

The key here is to heat up the biscuit for 8 to 12 seconds. It’s a game changer. The biscuits look moist, but they’re not, and the microwave solves all your problems. From there, you can dip the biscuit in the strawberry-soft-serve whipped topping concoction.

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