Sexual Violence at Amherst: A History and Legacy In this archival and interview-based piece, The Student traces the history and legacy of sexual misconduct at Amherst, from the college’s move to a co-ed model in the 1970s to the present day.
Staff Spotlight: Pete Charron Pete Charron is a retail supervisor at Frost Cafe. He enjoys his position at Amherst for the connections with students and help he can give to the community. “The theme is to throw frisbees and spread love,” he says.
Staff Spotlight: Pete Charron Pete Charron is a retail supervisor at Frost Cafe. He enjoys his position at Amherst for the connections with students and help he can give to the community. “The theme is to throw frisbees and spread love,” he says.
Following AAS Proposal, Free Laundry Detergent Sheets Now Available A newly approved proposal by AAS Senator Sirus Wheaton '23 will provide free zero-waste laundry detergent sheets to all students. The initiative aims to reduce Amherst’s carbon footprint while also easing the financial burden of buying hygiene products for low-income students.
Following AAS Proposal, Free Laundry Detergent Sheets Now Available A newly approved proposal by AAS Senator Sirus Wheaton '23 will provide free zero-waste laundry detergent sheets to all students. The initiative aims to reduce Amherst’s carbon footprint while also easing the financial burden of buying hygiene products for low-income students.
Students Navigate Academics Through Covid Isolation As the number of students in Covid isolation increases, faculty have been forced to make adjustments to their teaching plans, while students in isolation are adjusting to learning material from classes not designed to be taught remotely.
Students Navigate Academics Through Covid Isolation As the number of students in Covid isolation increases, faculty have been forced to make adjustments to their teaching plans, while students in isolation are adjusting to learning material from classes not designed to be taught remotely.