“Survivor” is Back: Season 46, Episode 1, Reviewed Vaughn Armour ’25 reviews the premiere of the new season of “Survivor,” including a brand new game, easily defeated player, and failed alliance.
Former Palestinian Negotiator Traces Historical Roots of Israel-Palestine Conflict In the first of a three-lecture series, Dr. Ahmad Samih Khalidi, a Palestinian diplomat, analyzed the history of the conflict, from the birth of the Zionist movement to the 1993 Oslo Accords.
Russian Scholars Evaluate Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny’s Life and Legacy Panelists at a Feb. 26 roundtable analyzed the late opposition leader’s unique appeal and discussed what his life and death indicate about the political realities of Vladimir Putin’s Russia.
Mammoth Moments in Miniature: Feb. 21 to Feb. 28 Mammoth Moments in Miniature provides quick updates on community happenings. This week’s edition includes the Three Minute Thesis competition, AAPI Studies Tea Time, and more.
AAPI Studies Major To Be Considered in a Faculty-Wide Vote After 52 Years of Effort On May 11, 1972, in a letter to The Student, Asian and Asian American students at Amherst made the first call for an Asian American and Pacific Islander Studies major. 52 years later, the college has finally begun to listen.
Table Tasting: A Visit to Val’s Language Communities Once a week, Val’s six different language tables welcome students of all skill levels and cultural backgrounds to dine together in their respective languages. Staff writer Simon Pearl ’27 tours all six tables to learn about the values and dynamics of each linguistic community.