The Amherst Party, a Former Tradition, to Return After 6-Year Hiatus The AAS is reviving “TAP,” a long-running college tradition centered around a keg of beer. Beginning in December, the parties will be held once a month in the Powerhouse.
The Amherst Party, a Former Tradition, to Return After 6-Year Hiatus The AAS is reviving “TAP,” a long-running college tradition centered around a keg of beer. Beginning in December, the parties will be held once a month in the Powerhouse.
Mammoth Moments in Miniature: Nov. 1 to Nov. 9 Mammoth Moments in Miniature provides quick updates on campus happenings. This week’s edition features an opportunity to shout out fellow community members, an upcoming vigil hosted by RSL, and an information session about how to become a tennis umpire.
Mammoth Moments in Miniature: Nov. 1 to Nov. 9 Mammoth Moments in Miniature provides quick updates on campus happenings. This week’s edition features an opportunity to shout out fellow community members, an upcoming vigil hosted by RSL, and an information session about how to become a tennis umpire.
Campus Police Log: Nov. 1 to 6 The latest installment of the Police Log, from Nov. 1 to Nov. 6, can be found here.
Campus Police Log: Nov. 1 to 6 The latest installment of the Police Log, from Nov. 1 to Nov. 6, can be found here.
From Flowers to Forests: Research in Practice — Alumni Profile, Jessica Wright ’94 As a researcher for the US Forest Service, Jessica Wright ’94 now helps make the nation’s forests more resilient. But her path began more humbly, in a greenhouse overlooking Memorial Hill.