The Amherst Party, a Former Tradition, to Return After 6-Year Hiatus The AAS is reviving “TAP,” a long-running college tradition centered around a keg of beer. Beginning in December, the parties will be held once a month in the Powerhouse.
Students Stage Walkout for Palestine, Call for Admin Action During a walkout last Wednesday, students demanded the college divest from weapons companies doing business with Israel, cut a study abroad tie to Haifa University, and issue an administrative statement condemning Israeli violence.
Students Stage Walkout for Palestine, Call for Admin Action During a walkout last Wednesday, students demanded the college divest from weapons companies doing business with Israel, cut a study abroad tie to Haifa University, and issue an administrative statement condemning Israeli violence.
President Elliott Speaks on College Response to Israel/Gaza Conflict President Michael Elliott discussed takeaways from students, outlined administrative steps to support them, and provided advice to navigate the Israel/Palestine conflict at a weekly meeting before the Association of Amherst Students.
President Elliott Speaks on College Response to Israel/Gaza Conflict President Michael Elliott discussed takeaways from students, outlined administrative steps to support them, and provided advice to navigate the Israel/Palestine conflict at a weekly meeting before the Association of Amherst Students.
Mammoth Moments in Miniature: Oct. 25 to Oct. 31 Mammoth Moments in Miniature provides quick updates on campus happenings. This week's edition features new investments in the town, Valentine Dining Hall tours, restorative circles about Israel/Palestine, and changes to late-night at Val.
Mammoth Moments in Miniature: Oct. 25 to Oct. 31 Mammoth Moments in Miniature provides quick updates on campus happenings. This week's edition features new investments in the town, Valentine Dining Hall tours, restorative circles about Israel/Palestine, and changes to late-night at Val.